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A DBA, which stands for « doing business as, » is a registered name you choose to give your business or a part of it that differs from its legal registered name. You usually file DBAs with the Secretary of State or another regulatory body responsible for business formation in your state. In case your business operates in multiple states, it is likely that you will need to file a DBA in each of those states.
If you are a sole proprietorship or partnership, it is likely that you will require a DBA as you are not incorporated and did not file for entity formation or business name. In this case, your legal name will be the name of your business unless you file a DBA. On the other hand, S and C corporations, LLCs, and limited partnerships usually do not need a DBA if they are satisfied with their legal business name. However, franchise owners may opt for a DBA to indicate that they are operating under the franchise’s name. Regardless of the type of business you are forming, it is essential to verify the appropriate process with your state or take advantage of our DBA package and leave the paperwork to us.
A DBA only serves as an alternative name or alias for your business and does not offer the same legal protections as an LLC. To ensure legal protection, you must first establish a business entity before using a DBA.